Sunday, October 4, 2009


The human mind forgets 80 percent of the knowledge it acquires within the first three days of acquisition. During the next 18 days, it continues the loss of information until it settles at 3 percent retention of the new information.

In other words, “if you don’t use it, you will lose it.” This discovery was made after years of research and has affected how our company does business. Our focus at MTI is to provide you with productive practical, continued education, enabling you to be trading with 90-percent-plus recall. We provide our clients with the MTI trader’s checklist, enabling them to cover 100 percent of all the trading issues before they trade, just as a pilot covers his flight checklist before he takes off.


Understanding all successful trading procedures and rules before you trade is essential for your success. You must practice them over and over again until they become an unconscious habit. Doctors do not start operating on their patients after a semester in school, and pilots don’t fly passengers around the world after a weekend class of learning how to fly. Doctors practice on cadavers first. They practice a long time before they are allowed to perform any operations—for the simple reason that other people’s lives depend on their actions. Pilots fly with instructors long before they go solo. The same reasoning and rules apply to trading: although you might not lose your life if you don’t know what you are doing when you trade, you most certainly can lose your financial stability.

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