Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Reality Of Trading

The reality of trading is that less than 10 percent of all traders who attempt to trade succeed in the market. More than 90 percent of all traders who attempt to become successful on the Forex fail.

Knowledge is the key that can make a big difference in the success of a trader, providing a necessary edge.

In this market:

Knowledge = income
Lack of knowledge = lack of income
Correctly applied, knowledge can = financial freedom!

I cannot stress this enough: the majority of the world is locked into managing its poverty or mediocrity. Very few people learn how to manage any kind of success because they are not given any sort of manual or instruction guide to success. Growing up, we learn how to survive financially from our caregivers and circles of influence. But not all mentors are successful, leaving many to learn through trial and error.

Thousands of books have been written on how to achieve some sort of success. I believe that success comes from acquiring the right education about the opportunity; possessing the right work ethic; implementing the right productive daily habits; and believing with focus, concentration, action, and a positive attitude that your dream will come true. Successful people keep things simple. They find beauty in simplicity. The average person, for some reason, tries very hard to complicate things, even the simplest processes or procedures. I, on the other hand, have worked hard to take a very complicated issue, Forex, and simplify it, enabling just about anyone to understand how the markets work and how to trade them.

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